PW 215: What am I chasing today?

What am I chasing today?

Close your eyes gently. Take a deep breath in… and out. With each breath, allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation, feeling more comfortable and more at peace.

Imagine yourself in a serene, beautiful forest. The air is fresh, the scenery tranquil. You’re on a path, the earth soft beneath your feet. As you walk, acknowledge that this forest is a metaphor for your mind, vast and full of possibilities.

Now, as you continue to walk, think about the concept of ‘chasing.’ What does it mean to you? What are you chasing in your life? Is it success, happiness, love, or something else? Visualize this ‘chase’ as a gentle, guiding light ahead of you. Notice its color, its warmth.

Let’s shift perspective. Instead of chasing, imagine these desires and goals are like butterflies in the forest, coming to you effortlessly. Observe how this change in perspective alters your feelings. Do you feel more relaxed, more at peace?

As you wander through this forest, ask yourself, “Why am I chasing these things?” Let the answers come naturally. Listen to your inner voice; it might tell you about your true desires and your real purpose.

Now, find a spot in this forest to sit down. As you do, become aware of the present moment. Feel the earth beneath you, the air around you. Understand that sometimes, what we chase is already within us or around us. Appreciate the present, the here and now.

Imagine a blend of chasing and being. How does it feel to pursue your goals while being fully present and aware? Visualize this harmony as a radiant light within you, growing brighter and more vibrant.

As you sit in the forest, repeat these affirmations in your mind:

  • “I effortlessly attract what I desire.”
  • “I am at peace with my ambitions and my present.”
  • “I embrace the journey as much as the destination.”
  • “My goals are in harmony with my inner self.”

When you’re ready, gently open your eyes. You’re back in your space, carrying the calm and insights from the forest within you. Reflect on the experience: What are you chasing today? And how can you balance this chase with presence and inner peace? What are you chasing today?

1. So, let’s get into the whole two-sides-of-us thing. First up, there’s the side I call the ‘Get-It-All’ Self. This part of you is all about getting more – more money, more success. It’s like having an inner hustler who’s always on the move, hungry for the next big win. It’s exciting, sure, but ever noticed how it can leave you feeling a bit… hollow, no matter how much you score? Then there’s the other side, what I like to call the ‘Heart-and-Soul’ Self. This is the real deal, the part of you that’s driven by what you truly love, not just the sound of coins dropping or the buzz of winning. It’s all about doing things that mean something to you. Ever felt a sort of inner fire when you’re doing something you’re really into? So, here’s a couple of things to think about: When’s the last time you really listened to your ‘Heart-and-Soul’ Self? How often do you let that guide you instead of just running after what your ‘Get-It-All’ Self wants? Mulling over these questions is a big step towards finding what really makes you happy. What is your first thought?

2. There’s this cool quote by Seneca: He said, “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.” Makes you think, right? How being content could totally flip your idea of what being rich is all about. So, how do we use all this deep thinking to grow? It’s pretty straightforward but super powerful: make goals that match up with your passions. Visualize success that fills you up inside, not just your wallet. You’re in charge of shaping your life, like an artist with a block of marble, working to uncover the masterpiece hidden inside. As we wrap this up, here’s something to keep in your head: Your potential is endless, just like the dawn. While your ‘Get-It-All’ Self might be all about chasing sunsets, your ‘Heart-and-Soul’ Self is there, waiting for the sunrise. So, what’s your chase going to be today? What’s occurring now?

3. Have you ever had a dream that just lights you up from the inside, something that feels like it’s part of who you are? That’s your Passionate Ambitious Self talking. It’s not about just getting by but about really thriving, creating something special, and making a difference. This isn’t about stacking up cash or collecting high-fives and trophies. It’s about chasing something bigger, something that really gets your heart pumping. What just happened?

4. Imagine you’re on a path, and it’s early morning with that beautiful golden light. That’s your journey. You’re not just after money; you’re on the hunt for something that means the world to you. Picture it. Feel the sun on your face as you head towards a dream that’s totally, completely yours. So, what’s the dream you’re crazy about? Maybe it’s a project that could change the world or a skill you’re dying to nail that makes your heart race. How are you planning to grab those stars in your personal night sky? It’s about setting clear goals, mapping out a plan, and finding people who get what you’re about. As the saying goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” What are you feeling now? 

5. Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Set SMART goals – that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Visualize not just where you want to end up but the steps to get there. What are you going to do today, tomorrow, next week? Keep that picture in your head as bright and clear as the morning sun. And remember, dreams aren’t solo missions. They come alive around people who get you and your vibe. So, make connections. Surround yourself with folks who cheer you on and share your excitement. Together, you can do anything. Think about this: Your dreams, fueled by your passion, are real, and you can make them happen. It’s not about how much you’ve got in the bank but about making those dreams come true. That’s what will define you. So, what dreams are you going to chase with everything you’ve got? What are the opportunities? 

6. Imagine you’re at a kind of crossroads inside your own mind. There are two sides of you that are kind of duking it out for the top spot. One side is like the ultimate go-getter – let’s call it the Achiever. It’s all about winning, climbing higher, and getting that sweet paycheck. It’s the part of you that’s always pushing to be the best. Then there’s the other side, the Dreamer. This is the part of you that’s looking for something more, something that really means something deep down. It’s about passion, doing stuff that feels right to the core. Now, think about this: What if these two sides, the Achiever and the Dreamer, could team up? Imagine a life where chasing your ambitions doesn’t mean you have to leave your values behind. A life where making money and making a difference go hand in hand. What’s missing? 

7. Picture a tightrope walker balancing between two skyscrapers. One skyscraper is the Achiever, tall and impressive. The other is the Dreamer, just as grand. You’re on that tightrope, perfectly balancing both. Getting this balance in real life isn’t just a daydream. It’s about combining the Achiever’s practical side with the Dreamer’s big ideals. It means setting goals that fire you up, goals that matter both to your wallet and your soul. Think about this: How would things change if every move you made in business was also guided by what feels right? What if every decision counted not just for your bank account but for making a real difference? When you mix these parts of you – the Achiever and the Dreamer – you’re onto something powerful. The Achiever brings that sharp edge, essential in our fast-paced world. The Dreamer makes sure you’re climbing the right ladder, one that’s propped up against a wall of real values and dreams. What are you avoiding? 

8. The big names in history, the real game-changers, they got this balance right. They didn’t just gather power and money for their own sake; they used it to make a difference, to innovate, to lift others up. So, as you go forward, keep asking yourself: How can I mix my drive for success with my search for meaning? How will I leave my mark, not just in the business world but in a way that truly touches people? You’ve got the power to bring these parts of you together in harmony. Let their combined strengths guide you to a life that’s not just about success but about real significance. That’s your path – a path where purpose and success go hand in hand. What’s true for you? 

9. When you think about success, what does that mean to you? Is it all about the money, a fancy title, or maybe leaving something behind that lasts? Or is it something that digs a bit deeper, something more lasting? Think about the people who’ve really made a mark, like Nelson Mandela. He had this idea that life’s value isn’t just about being here but about the difference we make. That’s huge, right? Imagine you’re standing at the peak of all you’ve achieved. It’s not just about what you’ve gained but also about what you’ve given – the kindness you’ve shown, the brave moments, the connections that changed you and others. That’s what it’s really about – living a life that matches up with what you believe in. Every day, asking yourself, “How can what I do today make things better for me and others tomorrow?” Setting goals that are not just SMART but also have HEART – that are honest, ethical, aspirational, responsible, and thoughtful. What are you chasing today? What is your ideal scenario? 

10. Here’s a practical tip: start by picturing yourself hitting those goals. But then, add another layer. Think about the impact. Who’s better off because you succeeded? What’s the ripple effect? Keep that vision sharp. Write it down, and think about it when you’re making decisions. Your moral compass isn’t just some tool; it’s at the very heart of who you are. It turns a life of achievements into a legacy that inspires. So, as you go about making your mark, keep asking, “How does what I’m striving for help not just me but everyone?” In this big, complex world, let your part be not just about the glitter but about the strength you add. Know this: you’re in charge of your path. You’ve got the power to balance getting ahead with giving back, making sure your journey upward lifts others, too. Let this drive you. Head out there with the belief that you can carve a path of success that’s as much about doing the right thing as it is about winning. Your story? It’s not just any story. Make it an epic, a real masterpiece. What are you chasing today? What is happening in your ideal scenario? 

11. Have you ever felt the tug-of-war between cautious saving and the freedom of generosity? How often have you heard that little voice cautioning, “Save, save, save—because who knows what tomorrow holds?” Yes, it’s prudent to prepare for a rainy day, but what if every day becomes focused on the storm clouds and not the rainbow that may follow? Here’s the million-dollar question: How do you find balance? How do you ensure that the fear of scarcity doesn’t rob you of the joy found in abundance? Let’s ponder a quote by the wise Eleanor Roosevelt: “He who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses much more; he who loses faith, loses all.” It’s about perspective, isn’t it? Shift your gaze from the ground to the horizon. Instead of hoarding, what if you practiced strategic saving paired with mindful spending? It’s like planting a garden. You save enough seeds to ensure a future crop, but you also invest in the soil, water, and sunshine to nurture growth. You prepare, but you also appreciate the process, the growth, the beauty of now. What are you chasing today? What are the obstacles in the way? 

12. Visualize your financial decisions as a series of purposeful steps, each one taken not out of fear but with intention. Create a budget that allows for saving, yes, but also for living—because a life lived in fear of lack is like a sunless garden. It will never bloom to its full potential. Repeat after me: “I am the master of my wealth, not the servant of my fears.” Let this affirmation be your guide as you navigate the terrain between scarcity and abundance. Write it down. Reflect on it when you check your bank balance, when you’re about to make a purchase, when you’re planning for the future. What are you chasing today? What really matters? 

13. Remember, you hold the power to change your financial story. It’s not just about what you’re preparing for; it’s about what you’re living for. Can you find joy in the balance? Can you appreciate the now while still planning for later? Your journey is uniquely yours, and on this path, you are both the navigator and the traveler. With each step, remind yourself: scarcity need not define me when resourcefulness can guide me. So, save with wisdom, spend with joy, and live with the courage to embrace both. This is your path to a richer life in every sense of the word. What are you chasing, and what difference will it make? 

14. There are usually two sides of you having a bit of a tug-of-war. One side is super cautious, always telling you to hang onto every dime because who knows what’s around the corner. The other side is all about being resourceful and enjoying what you have. You’ve probably felt this struggle, right? That voice in your head is saying, “Better save up; you never know what might happen!” It’s smart to be prepared, but it’s also easy to get so caught up in worrying about bad stuff that you miss out on the good. So, here’s the big question: How do you strike a balance? How do you make sure that being scared of not having enough doesn’t stop you from enjoying what you do have? Eleanor Roosevelt made a great point when she said losing money is tough, but losing a friend or your faith is way worse. It’s all about how you see things. Try looking up from your worries and towards your hopes. Instead of just clinging to every penny, think about saving smartly but also spending wisely. Kind of like gardening – you save enough seeds for the future, but you also invest time and care to see everything grow right now. What are you chasing, and what is the risk if you do or don’t? 

15. Picture your mind. One part of you, the Scarcity Self, is all about playing it safe, whispering things like “Hey, watch out, save up for those just-in-case moments.” It’s not being scared; it’s just being smart and cautious. But then, there’s this other part, the Appreciative Resourcefulness Self, that’s gazing at the stars and pushing you to make the most of what you’ve got. Imagine if these two sides could team up. What if you could mix the smarts of saving with the guts to bet on yourself? That’s where being aware and in tune with yourself comes into play. Warren Buffett, the investment wizard, once said, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” That’s like the perfect blend of our two selves. It means striking a balance between keeping your future secure and shaping it the way you want. What are you chasing today? What adjustments do you need to make? 

16. Think of your life like a book you’re writing. Every sentence, every decision, is you working towards finding this balance. Keep asking yourself, “How can I get ready for the future but still make the most of today?” Let that guide you. By understanding both these sides of yourself—the Scarcity Self and the Appreciative Resourcefulness Self—you’re basically taking charge of your resources. You’ve got the reins to create a life where saving and investing walk side by side, making this awesome harmony of personal success. So, remember this: every day, you’re in control. You’re the one managing your resources. This life is your story. Write it with wisdom, but don’t forget to add splashes of boldness. The masterpiece you end up with? That’s going to be a life of balanced brilliance, all because you knew how to conduct the symphony of your life. What are you chasing, and what wants to happen next? 

17. Imagine you’re standing outside at the break of dawn. You see those first golden rays peeking out, kind of painting the sky, right? That moment makes me think about something deep inside us, a sort of internal conductor. This part of you knows exactly when to pull back and when to take big leaps. Ever had that little nudge inside, questioning if you’re playing it too safe or maybe not taking enough risks? This inner conductor, let’s call it your “aware self,” is like a compass that helps you make choices every day. It’s got this wise voice, kind of like the Scarcity Self, always nudging you to be smart with what you’ve got. But it’s also cheering on your Appreciative, Resourcefulness Self, pushing you to appreciate what’s around you and grow sustainably. But the big question is, how do you find that sweet spot between the two? Think about what Oprah Winfrey once said: “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” That’s really what personal growth is all about, right? Turning every challenge into a chance to get better. It means using that careful, Scarcity Self side of you to make smart, long-term choices, mixing being careful with being clever. What is occurring now? 

18. So, how do you bring this into your everyday life? It starts with setting your intentions, not just making goals. Picture not only what you want to achieve but the steps you’ll take to get there. Imagine yourself making a smart deal, saving some cash, and then putting that money to work where it can grow. There’s a real satisfaction in knowing you’ve got the balance right, figuring out when to hold back and when to create something new. Your journey is going to look different from anyone else’s. The way you balance being careful with being resourceful might not be the same as your friend’s or neighbor’s approach, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s all about finding your own kind of harmony, where being cautious and being growth-minded aren’t fighting each other but actually working together. Keep asking yourself these questions every day: “Am I using my resources wisely today? Am I balancing saving and growing well?” Let these thoughts guide you to your own kind of financial wisdom, where being careful and being resourceful come together in a story of success. What are you feeling now? 

19. You’re the one writing this story. You decide how to mix being resourceful with being cautious. Your aware self is steering the ship. Every choice you make is weaving together both carefulness and courage into a life of lasting value—not just in money, but in everything. So remember, you’ve got this. Every day, you’re the one making the calls. You decide when to save, when to spend, when to hold back, and when to go for it. Your life, your resources, your journey—it’s all in your hands. Trust in that aware self of yours. It knows what’s up. And as you go along this path, you’ll find the real treasure isn’t just in reaching your goals but in the wisdom you pick up on the way. What have you not said? 

20. As I reflect on what I’m chasing, I realize it’s not just about the tangible goals – the money, the success, or the accolades. It’s about the journey of self-discovery and balance. I’m pursuing a harmony between my ambitious, achievement-focused side and my more introspective, value-driven self. It’s like being a gardener who not only plants seeds for future harvests but also takes time to appreciate the beauty of the blooming flowers. My chase today is about nurturing this garden of life, where each decision is a seed planted, each action a watering can, and each moment of reflection the sunlight needed for growth. I’m chasing a life where success is measured not just in achievements but in the richness of experiences and the depth of my connections with others and myself. What am I chasing today? I’m chasing a balanced, fulfilling life where every step, every choice, is part of a greater tapestry of meaning and purpose. What’s your insight?

My Insight