OM 388: What judgments do I make about myself that may be hindering my success?
Inspired Insights from PrivateWorkers
Denise Carter
i think i just need some of control over my brain! however that could also be a judgement? its not really working so far, trying to control it ….. how do you control the anxious mind . Maybe i could sit in meditation for about 10 hours a day that might do it…. read, do a project, do something anything other than think because its a bit messy in there. i guess thats another judgement
i think i just need some of control over my brain! however that could also be a judgement? its not really working so far, trying to control it ….. how do you control the anxious mind . Maybe i could sit in meditation for about 10 hours a day that might do it…. read, do a project, do something anything other than think because its a bit messy in there. i guess thats another judgement