OM 390: What area of my life do I need to cultivate more excitement and passion?

Inspired Insights from PrivateWorkers

  1. Hi Joe. I definitely feel like I and others are learning how to stimulate my excitement and passion responses in certain areas and yet I probably do need to work up some energy in others. its a work in progress, we can but try to climb the mountain. one two one two one two small shifts at a time until we reach the peak and stare down at the valley triumphant in our efforts. Celebration of passion.

    I am a passionate person, I want to share it. Be passionate more often than not.

    Which area in particular do I need to pay attention to?

    HMMM thats a tricky question.

    I’ve been struggling with the w word…….. W**KING

    That’s right you guessed it working……I need to cultivate more passion and enthusiasm there…..

    Maybe I should call it something else? Maybe that’s the problem? These labels…. I should call it wealth generation, or time exchanging…. money materialising?

    Thanks Joe xx

My Insight